Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Byosen * Scanning the body for blockages

Byosen  - Scanning the Body for Blockages
A practitioner's hands may feel heavy and slow as they scan through an area of the body. This dense area may be an indication of sluggish energy flow, which can be due to depression or emotional illness.
Giving a whole body treatment can bring this energy to the surface, making it easier to then sweep it out from the client's energy field and leaving him/her with a feeling of lightness.
Place a bowl of salt at the foot of the treatment bed, then sweep your hands over the client's body around the body, without actually touching it, three times, then these energies which have surfaced can be swept away from the client and into the salt. Remove the bowl and later wash the salt away down the drain placing the intent of cleansing and transmuting any negativity into positive energy to benefit all.

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