Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dolphin Healing

After the horrific killings of many Dolphins in Taiji again this year, it is heartening to see some Japanese people along with the rest of the world, are bringing awareness to this senseless practice of killing highly evolved Beings who are too beautiful and gentle to fight back and face human greed year after year.
Being attuned to Dolphin Reiki energy, this affects me deeply on an energetic level and I was guided to send healing to the Dolphins but mostly to their heartless killers, who obviously need healing the most. The energy band around them was so dense it was scary, and as I sent healing to them with tears streaming down my face, the Ascended Master Kwan Yin came through and took my hands to assist me in keeping the vibration of compassion towards those "human beings" as the healing energy flowed in its purest form with Her Help.
I am deeply grateful to Kwan Yin and the healing Angels that came through on that day and joined me in sending light to such a sad event.

I urge other Light workers to assist in sending light into these fishermen's hearts so that they may see Truth deep inside them and embrace a higher vibrational Path of unconditional love. The planet and universe have immense abundance which can be tapped into by all; align your energy to a higher vibration, and you can be abundant too, without resorting to greed at the expense of the suffering of other beings.
May love and light surround us all in the future.

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