Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Charging Water with Reiki

An energy healer's hands can change the water's properties to turn spring water to a healing tonic, so remember this when you are having a challenging day that leaves you drained of your life force .

The process is easy to follow:
- Fill a glass with spring water.
- Hold your palms over the rim of the glass or around it.
- Ask for healing energy to be directed to the water. Use the CKR symbol over the rim of the   glass and visualize it entering the water and energizing it. If your palms tingle, do not remove them until the tingling stops.
- Once the water has been charged, thank the Reiki energy for its blessing and drink the water slowly, visualizing that you are sipping healing light and that it cleanses and empowers your body internally, with the ability to heal any imbalances that may be present. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Personal Bubble of Protection

A bubble of protection is essential for energy workers. It eases the sense of vulnerability when we face dense forms of energy in our day to day lives.

One way to do this is by standing with your feet slightly apart, while breathing deeply to clear your mind and raise your vibration.

Draw the CKR symbol in front of you and repeat its mantra three times.
Feel the energy flow and visualize a golden bubble enveloping you and sealing below your feet, while connecting you to mother Earth. 

Join your hands in a way that the palms of your hands are turned towards you, then move your hands from head to toes and surround the whole body sealing the bubble with this energy from the inside of the bubble.

Express gratitude to the energy of Reiki for protecting you and keeping you safe and nurtured.
this technique strengthens your aura and protects you on all levels, keeping you grounded.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

House cleansing and energizing with Reiki

Our homes may absorb and hold negative energies from people and situations in the house. A regular clearing of this negative debris will maintain the positive vibration in the home and make it the safe haven you crave when you return home from work.

Once a week smudge the entire dwelling starting at the door, stating your intent to release all negative energies into the light, while lighting it with a match. extinguish the flame and allow the smoke to flow, moving in a clockwise direction from the entrance door, pointing the smoke three times into every corner of every room in turn. Use SHK symbol in every corner and CKR at the centre of each room. When you arrive back at the entrance, allow the stick to burn completely, just outside the door.

Go back inside and sit comfortably. Breathe in deeply and relax your muscles. Affirm the following: I am bringing tranquillity and the joy and love that this space needs, for the highest good of everyone concerned." Allow the Reiki energy to flow and see it covering the floor, walls, ceiling, eliminating any residual of negativity, and covering the whole house with white Light. Stay with this visualization until it feels right to end it.

Draw the CKR symbol on every window and door, for protection.

Now affirm "This house is now filled with Love and Light, and the Spirit of Peace now resides here. Express your gratitude to the Universal Life Force and your Spirit Guides and Angels (if you have requested their assistance).  

Monday, June 18, 2018

Losing Weight with Reiki

Losing weight effectively is a process best approached as a change in your way of life, rather than a crash diet which is detrimental to your health and well-being.

Choosing healthy, wholesome foods appropriate to your immune system, is always a good choice, on your road to a healthy lifestyle.

Reiki can assist you enormously in this task.
The following suggestions may be used as guidelines:
- Use the Reiki Power symbol, CKR over your food, to bless it and energize the nutrients in it,  and aid digestion;
- Learn to really love your body. Regularly affirm "I love my body".  If it doesn't feel right, take a deep breath relax and repeat until it feels right within you;
- Drink water that has been energized with Reiki, often. When energizing the water, affirm "This water removes all toxins from my body";
- Write an affirmation on paper with a positive message such as "I am a self-confident person,    positive and joyful" always in the present tense and Reiki your affirmation daily with HSZSN     symbol. 
- Use a yellow crystal, such as citrine, topaz or tiger's eye. Place it on your solar plexus and    direct the energy to that chakra.  This chakra works with your will and will balance it, aiding  you in changing your habits, to change your life.

Enjoy the new you!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Healing Conflict

Negative attitudes and situations take a toll on the emotional body and it is wise to heal the energy in them, before the physical body sends out a message that can no longer be ignored through illness.

In your mind's eye see the other party and let them know how you regret what happened and state that you wish to heal it with their permission. Wait to see if they reply and accept what they have to say on the matter.

A Reiki healing visualization will assist by connecting to the other person or situation with the distance symbol, HSZSN and sending white light to connect and begin the healing process. Visualize the energetic cord between the two parties strengthening with pink light and allow that energy to flow for a while, then close their auras with a healing bubble of light filled with pink energy and seal them with the power symbol.

If the situation needs protection see your symbols flooded with golden light and use the emotional symbol SHK as well when closing the protection bubble around the parties.

Allow for your Higher Self's input during healing visualizations. It is very valuable.