Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Reiki Precepts

                                                  Meditating with the Reiki Precepts

One way of practicing the five Reiki precepts is by using the procedure outlined on Sensei Usui's tombstone.

- Find a place in your home, or use your regular spot for meditation.
- kneel or sit in your favourite, comfortable meditation position.
- Mentally call on the Reiki to come in, and then feel the flow of gentle energy.
- Put your hands in the gassho position at the level of your heart.
- Repeat the five precepts in your mind.
- Perform this ritual for five minutes in the morning and evening.

This exercise will assist you to become more aware of your thoughts and actions. It will gradually add positive vibration into your heart and subconscious self, overflowing into your daily life to assist you to worry less about trivial matters, and not overreact to situations which are beyond your control.

When starting this practice, be mindful that it is not an overnight success story; it requires your input and patience because it will bring to the fore those character traits in yourself which need re-adjusting. Listen to your intuition and apply the precepts to bring about the required adjustments, and then enjoy the benefits which are endless, on your life's journey.  

Sunday, April 20, 2014


There are many reasons why people would want to experience a regression, such as fears and phobias, a recurring health problem, relationship challenges, etc.
The bottom line here is that you have lived before, the majority of souls presently incarnated on the planet will have lived a few lifetimes previously and it is no accident that we are together on this journey right now. We live in very  "interesting times" indeed.
It is important to note that each lifetime that a soul experiences is an essential part of that soul's journey. Incarnations vary in that one may present you with a comfortable existence and the next one will be a challenging one and from each one, you learn certain lessons which your soul carries into a new lifetime in the next incarnation. Whether you are male or female now, you have lived as the opposite sex before and that applies to different financial status too. Different experiences are a part of the learning process as your soul evolves.
Before you decide to undergo a regression, be open to the various types of lives that you might have lived, so as not to limit you on the incarnations you can access. Experiencing your personal variety of lifetimes has the effect of assisting you to understand that we are all a part of the ONE and that in any one incarnation you might have been in anyone else's position. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Byosen * Scanning the body for blockages

Byosen  - Scanning the Body for Blockages
A practitioner's hands may feel heavy and slow as they scan through an area of the body. This dense area may be an indication of sluggish energy flow, which can be due to depression or emotional illness.
Giving a whole body treatment can bring this energy to the surface, making it easier to then sweep it out from the client's energy field and leaving him/her with a feeling of lightness.
Place a bowl of salt at the foot of the treatment bed, then sweep your hands over the client's body around the body, without actually touching it, three times, then these energies which have surfaced can be swept away from the client and into the salt. Remove the bowl and later wash the salt away down the drain placing the intent of cleansing and transmuting any negativity into positive energy to benefit all.