Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Life Purpose Meditation Using Reiki

                        Life Purpose Meditation using Reiki

One of the Reiki Precepts is "Just for today, earn your living honestly". This means so much more than its face value. It is to live one's own Truth, to live with integrity towards oneself and others. It is also to follow one's Life Purpose; to do what we love doing. If you do not yet know what your life purpose is, the following meditation may assist you to discover it.

- Star by sitting or lying down comfortably, and steady your breathing until it is deep and slow and you feel centered.
- Fill yourself with Reiki from head to toe, until you can feel the Reiki vibrations in your hands, and sense that it is    
  flowing all around you, within your body, outside your body, filling your aura and raising your consciousness.
- Imagine yourself somewhere beautiful, a setting of your choice; a beach, or a flower-filled meadow, or a sunlit forest
  glade, and spend a few moments connecting with that image engaging all your senses as you do so. 
- Imagine that a little way ahead of you is a ladder, a rainbow, or a beam of light coming down from way up high, and
  walk towards it and begin to climb up the ladder, or allow yourself to slide up the rainbow or beam of light. (If you have
  Reiki second degree you can imagine that the ladder or beam of light is the Distant Healing Symbol, connecting you
  with the higher realms.)
- As you climb higher you become aware that your body is becoming lighter, until you realize that while you are still
  recognizable as you, you no longer have a dense physical body, but a body of beautiful, rainbow-coloured light. 
- As you reach this realization, you also reach another higher dimension, and waiting for you are some wise beings of 
  light, and you can feel the happiness and unconditional love flowing from them as they welcome you.
- You follow them to a place where you can all sit together, and they invite you to ask whatever you need to ask. On this
  occasion you have come to ask about your life purpose, and how much progress you have so far made on your life path,  
  and what else you need to do to fulfil your purpose and your potential in this lifetime.
- Give yourself plenty of time to receive the replies, which may be in words, images, symbols or physical objects,
  showing where you are now, and where you are going. If you are presented with a scene you do not understand, ask for  
  clarification - these are high spiritual guides, including your Higher-Self, and their intention is purely to assist you as
  lovingly as they can.
- When you sense that you have been given all the information that is there for you at this time, thank the Beings of Light
  for their help and let them lead you back to the top of the ladder, rainbow or beam of light, but know that you may return
  here whenever you wish to ask for guidance. 
- With a final goodbye, allow yourself to slowly descend until you reach the bottom of the ladder, rainbow or beam of
  light, and spend a few minutes in that beautiful place you have created remembering what you have experienced.
- Allow your awareness to return to your body, feeling the chair or bed beneath you, and hearing the sounds in the room.
  If you feel a little dizzy, clap or shake your hands for a moment to bring you back into full awareness.
- Finally write down what you have just experienced, so you can examine it a few times to gain as much insight and
  inspiration from it as you can. You may find you have been given a full life plan, or just one or two points, or the first
  you do this exercise you may just get a feeling of deep peace, but persevere and in time you will get the information you
  are seeking about your life path and life purpose.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Adopting a Spiritual Lifestyle with Reiki

Living your daily life in a more spiritual and rewarding manner does not have to be complicated and here are a few ways in which to simplify the way you navigate through your life lessons:

- Clear your clutter, both physical and emotional; regularly clear superfluous items from your home and donate them to a worthy institution.
- Devote some time to spirituality regularly, such as meditation, reading self-help books and joining an inspirational workshop or retreat.
- Review your life regularly and what you would like it to develop into; solstices and equinoxes are ideal for this practice.
- Make time for joy and relaxation, nature-walks, a bubble bath and quality time with loved ones.
- Look after your body by feeding it with healthy foods, water, enjoyable exercise and rest.
- Release emotions and thought patters that no longer serve your higher purpose as these will block your energy flow. Commit to a life filled with joy and ease.
- Raise your vibrational frequency with regular Reiki treatments.
- Trust your inner guidance and let the energy flow, allowing it to bring you what you want and need without attempting to control the outcome.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Effortless Being

Effortless Being

As you embark on your Reiki journey, you come to the realization that there are times when it is best to Let Go and Let God.
Letting go of the past allows us to experience the flow of all things, including our own lives. Life has been likened to a river, and like the river, the flow of our time and of our lives is effortless.

There is a danger in always trying to alter things and arrange the world to suit ourselves. The saying 'go with the flow' means accepting what cannot be changed, accepting and loving life for what it is and realizing how limited our powers are to fashion it.

Sit on your meditation cushion, or on a chair. Close your eyes and watch your breathing for a moment or two. Notice the rise and fall of your abdomen and feel a sense of impermanence in the moment. In the act of breathing you are going with the flow of life. By going with the flow in meditation, you can come to realise that there is a part of yourself outside time, which is not subject to the change and impermanence of material life.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lighting Up The Chakras

Our energy centres or chakras are associated with colours; the base chakra with red; the sacral chakra with orange; the solar plexus chakra with yellow; the heart chakra with green and pink; the throat chakra with blue; the third eye chakra with indigo; and the crown chakra with violet or white.
Working with the colours of the chakras can help you redress the imbalances that occur when there are blockages in our flow of subtle energy.

If you are a Reiki practitioner with Level II, visualise the power symbol in the palms of your hands and activate it before you begin the following meditation. if not, then just follow the meditation as indicated:
Focus on the colours of the chakras by visualising drawing in your breath at the base chakra and watching it light up each chakra in the associated colour as it travels up to the crown chakra.

Sit on your cushion. Close your eyes and on the first in-breath visualise white light entering at the base chakra, which glows a bright red in response. Picture your second breath entering in the same way but following up to the sacral chakra, which shines orange. Then, on your next breath, imagine the light reaching the solar plexus chakra, which glows yellow. In subsequent breaths imagine the light reaching in turn the heart chakra and shine green or pink, the throat chakra shining a blue light, the third eye chakra shining indigo light and finally the crown chakra shining violet or white.

In your mind's eye, envision each chakra radiating light in its own colour and finally, imagine all of them glowing at once.
Rebalancing your chakras in this way will boost your sense of well-being.  

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Raise your Vibration

Raise Your Vibration

Everything in the universe is made of energy. The speed at which it vibrates determines its density. For example, light vibrates at a very high frequency, and something like a rock vibrates at a lower frequency but a frequency nonetheless. Human beings also vibrate at different frequencies. Our thoughts and feelings
can determine the frequency at which we vibrate, and our vibration goes out into the world and attracts to us energy moving at a similar frequency. This is one of the ways that we create our own reality, which is why we can cause a positive shift in our lives by raising our vibration. 

Think of someone you know who has a bubbly personality. Vibrant literally means
"vibrating very rapidly".

 The people who strike us as bubbly or vibrant, are resonating at a high frequency, and they can inspire us as we work to raise our vibration. On the other hand, we all know people that are very negative or cynical. These people are vibrating at a lower frequency.

They can also be a blessing in our lives, because they can show us where we do not want to be vibrating and the reason. 

Take a moment observe yourself and try to rate your vibration in order to start your inner work to raise your vibratory rate.

One of the most practical ways to raise your vibration is to consciously choose where you focus your attention. To understand how powerful this is, take five minutes to describe something you love unreservedly; a person, a special place, an experience. When your five minutes are up, you will noticeably feel more positive and even lighter. If you want to keep raising your vibration, you might want to commit to spending five minutes every day focusing on the good in your life and feeling gratitude for having it. As you do this, you will train yourself to be more awake and alive. Over time, you will experience a permanent shift in your vibrancy.