Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Monday, November 25, 2013

Adopting a Spiritual Lifestyle with Reiki

Living your daily life in a more spiritual and rewarding manner does not have to be complicated and here are a few ways in which to simplify the way you navigate through your life lessons:

- Clear your clutter, both physical and emotional; regularly clear superfluous items from your home and donate them to a worthy institution.
- Devote some time to spirituality regularly, such as meditation, reading self-help books and joining an inspirational workshop or retreat.
- Review your life regularly and what you would like it to develop into; solstices and equinoxes are ideal for this practice.
- Make time for joy and relaxation, nature-walks, a bubble bath and quality time with loved ones.
- Look after your body by feeding it with healthy foods, water, enjoyable exercise and rest.
- Release emotions and thought patters that no longer serve your higher purpose as these will block your energy flow. Commit to a life filled with joy and ease.
- Raise your vibrational frequency with regular Reiki treatments.
- Trust your inner guidance and let the energy flow, allowing it to bring you what you want and need without attempting to control the outcome.

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