Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hands-on Healing

Energy Healing

We all use our hands to heal whether we realize it or not. When we hug someone to reassure them, when we touch a child's injury to ease their pain, etc, these are all forms of energy healing because we are consciously channelling it through our caring and unconditional love for others when we are propelled to do so by our inner feelings. We have all experienced easing of pain when we have a headache and automatically raise our hands and hold the painful area and soon afterwards the pain eases a little.

In this instance we are using our stored energy banks which with time can be depleted causing additional discomfort and illness. When we are trained and attuned to use Reiki, the energy is channelled and passes through the practitioner and onto the client, all the while benefitting the practitioner as well as the client. All Reiki pratitioners feel a sense of calm and profound relaxation after a Reiki session on someone else.

The hands-on healing of Reiki is unique in the simplicity of learning the method. The Reiki energy is immediately accessed by the practitioner and the energy flows fast and strong from the first attunement. This energy is accessed instantly the moment the practitioner states the intent to use it.

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