Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Friday, October 30, 2015

Honour your Inner Guidance

Our natural state of being is vibrant and happy to be alive but at times we may feel worn out.
This means that we need to restore our energy supply or try to find the cause for our depleted state.
Take a look at how you've been feeling and acting and you might find a behaviour pattern or relationship that is out of sync with you. It may be that you have too much in your hands to handle or there are people or situations in your life draining your energy. 

Try to listen to your inner guidance in meditation to gain the clarity you need. When you are certain of what makes your heart sing, honour it in every situation and you will find that your energy supply will have a more stable high level which will serve you well.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dealing with Irritation

We will always have people or situations in life that we cannot control. The manner in which we respond to these will determine the quality of our lives.
As a Reiki Master, I have realized that certain challenging students / clients will be guided towards me for mutual benefit. In embracing the challenge, is a blessing of enormous proportions because I have acquired a good measure of
compassion and understanding of where that particular soul is currently on their path and the best way to assist him/her with guidance is more easily grasped by me as if I were channelling it from the individual's spiritual guides, which is probably the case.

It may seem easier to just avoid networking with difficult people or situations by methods of avoidance. Irritation can be an important spiritual teacher and remaining centered in an uncomfortable situation is far more valuable than doing so in a happy environment.
Acceptance, tolerance and patience are attributes of the spiritually evolved, and trying to eliminate irritations instead of understanding them will not assist anyone to evolve spiritually. These are valuable opportunities to develop spiritual qualities and our lives are filled with them. Use them constructively.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Educating our Minds

Educating our minds to operate on positive-mode is very important in order to move towards attracting abundance on every level of Being.
As we identify a feeling in us that is positive and that brings us joy and peace, we need to take the time to recognize what it feels like, so that it will become easier to re-produce.
We normally have the tendency to analyse a negative emotion, find the root cause of it and then take steps to transform it and improve the situation. Now we need to analyse the joyful emotions too and identify the possible trigger so that we use it more often to keep the vibration on positive. This practice greatly assists one to re-program and adopt a more pleasant way of going through one's life journey. It will hopefully turn into a habit to feel happy and teach others by example so that they too can change their lives.