Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Creating a relaxing Atmosphere Conducive to Healing
When working from home, choose the area of the house which you feel has the best relaxing vibration for treatments. Ideally, this would be a room used solely for healing, but if this is not your case, then
choose a room that can easily be converted from its everyday function, to healing practice. The most important point to remember is that the room must be quiet, clean, comfortable and warm.

Air the room well before treatment and burn some incense before the treatment rather than during it as it may affect your client if he/she has bronchial problems.

As an alternative, you may scent the room with an oil burner prior to the treatment, using a light oil such as Lavender, which also promotes relaxation.

Switch off all phones or place them on silent mode, use meditation music as a background sound, but don't allow it to play in a way which will detract from relaxation.

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