Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Receiving a personal Reiki Symbol

     Receiving a Personal Reiki Symbol

All students of Reiki learn about the process by which Dr Usui received his Reiki Symbols on the mountain after his 21 day meditation, however, we are not told that we might receive the gift of a personal Reiki symbol and how this would come about.

Talking from personal experience, of course, after completing my Reiki Master training, I did a lot of research in Reiki and Meditation, but it is our own personal experiences which become invaluable during this process. Two years into practicing Reiki, and while sitting in front of my computer, I found myself looking into a few very bright lights which insistently shone next to my right eye and affected my vision in a frightening way, because I could not focus on anything. Having heard about bright spots of light as a sign of an impending migraine, I was worried that it might be the case although I had never had one of these signs before then.

I excused myself and moved to a room where I could be alone and proceeded to do self-healing on my head. As soon as I closed my eyes, the lights shone even brighter and I could clearly see a symbol being formed. I had never seen this symbol, but as soon as I realized it had to be a Reiki symbol, it faded into nothing and was gone completely. I went back to work, bewildered but feeling very grateful for having been honoured with my own symbol. Then came the questions: What am I supposed to do with it? When do I use it? What is its name?

I meditated on it several times but the answers would not come to me, so I left it in the Universe’s embrace and decided to wait patiently and without questioning, for the Universe has its own sense of timing. It took another six months until I understood what the symbol was to be used for and the appropriate name for it. It came in a meditation, it just stood in front of my third eye area and then there was a picture which told me in no uncertain terms, the name and use of the symbol.

Since then I have been prompted to use it during treatments both distance and hands-on sessions. On a few occasions it has appeared in front of my eyes again, even while I am driving, and then I know it has to be used on myself for healing and protection. As soon as I direct its energy to the area where it is needed the most, it starts to fade away as it works. It is an astonishing experience and one which I am deeply grateful for.

Dr Usui’s experience was definitely not a figment of his imagination; those little lights do bring with them a powerful symbol, never doubt it for a moment.

I have recently received a second symbol but am still trying to discover its meaning and name.

I hope all you Reiki Masters out there will share in this experience one day if you haven’t already. It is a priceless gift from the Universe.

In Love, Light and Truth

Thursday, May 31, 2012



There are various rituals and methods that may be used when smudging and one or more herbs used in different combinations or alone.

Rooms and psychic tools, such as crystals and various objects that hold energy, should be cleansed / smudged regularly. The initial smudging is for the purpose of purifying the space and participants and also for banishing any lower and unwelcome energies. Cleansing the ceremonial space before and after the event is an essential part of spiritual hygiene. The final smudge is to cleanse any negative vibrations attracted or created during the proceedings.

Used in the home and on self, maintains individual and domestic harmony. 

It can take many forms; at times, herbs are tied in a bundle with string to form a smudge stick and allowed to dry. Loose dried herbs may also be placed directly onto burning wood in a fireplace and fanned out into the room to cleanse it. Always have an outlet for the negative energies to leave your space by leaving a door or window open while smudging. Invite the lower vibrations to leave and state your intent that they are not welcome in your space, then proceed to fan out the smoke into every corner of every room with your intent in mind, always. If you are a level II Reiki practitioner, then use the Reiki symbols to strengthen your cleansing throughout each room.

If you use Guides and Angels, remember to express your gratitude.