When you have had a Reiki treatment, you may experience one or more of the following:
- A past illness reappearing;
- A headache, flu-like symptoms, a need to use the toilet more often
or feeling tired and sleepy;
- A worsening of the present condition.
Reiki boosts one's own healing system and it often works extra hard in order to resolve the problem, and this is why the symptoms may seem worse.
If a past illness reoccurs, it means that it had not been "cured" and may have been suppressed by medication or by the sufferer himself.
Reiki gets to the root of the problem and heals from the root, releasing the symptoms and then proceeding with the healing.
These are all symptoms of detoxification and the body responds by clearing out toxins as best it can. Feeling tired means the body is working in overdrive in order to regenerate itself. Energy levels increase after this process.