Reiki hand

Reiki hand


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Effects of Reiki Treatments

Effects of Reiki Treatments

When you have had a Reiki treatment, you may experience one or more of the following:

- A past illness reappearing;

- A headache, flu-like symptoms, a need to use the toilet more often

or feeling tired and sleepy;

- A worsening of the present condition.

Reiki boosts one's own healing system and it often works extra hard in order to resolve the problem, and this is why the symptoms may seem worse.

If a past illness reoccurs, it means that it had not been "cured" and may have been suppressed by medication or by the sufferer himself.

Reiki gets to the root of the problem and heals from the root, releasing the symptoms and then proceeding with the healing.

These are all symptoms of detoxification and the body responds by clearing out toxins as best it can. Feeling tired means the body is working in overdrive in order to regenerate itself. Energy levels increase after this process.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Reiki Practice

The Reiki Practice
Reiki is neither a cult nor a secret society. Reiki practitioners are a body of like-minded people who try to live by the Reiki principles, which are not rules as such, but rather suggestions for making life a more fulfilling and joyful experience.

It is to one's benefit to live the Reiki principles and to use Reiki to enhance every area of your life.

Once you have been initiated, you accept full responsibility for how you use Reiki, the ability remains with you to use whenever you wish to, but it is your decision. Reiki works best when used with pure intent and for the highest good of everyone concerned.

The power of thought is very strong and can have amazing results, however, the use of the Reiki sacred symbols in treatment as they were intended, requires that the practitioner using them has been attuned to their vibrations, in order for them to be effective.